Board members
Board memeber emails in form

Veijo Terho
Verne Global Finland
Chairman of the board
+358 50 2935

Mikko Aho
Rittal Oy
ISO Standardization work
vice-chairman of the board

Pekka Järveläinen
atNorth Oy
Member of the board

Tiina Davidsainen
Fortum Oyj
Member of the board

Eero Lindqvist
Member of the board

Kari Maikkola
Telia Finland Oyj
Treasurer of the board

Sami Niiranen
Granlund Oy
Secretary of the board

Antti Laine
Sweco Oy
Member of the board

Anu Kätkä
Vaisala Oyj
Member of the board

Emma Niemistö
Member Of the board