Finnish Data Center Association FDCA´s statutory Autumn Meeting will take place on
December 14th, 2023 at 4 PM
Live at our office: Eteläranta 10, 7th Fl., 00130 Helsinki (max.25 persons) and virtually in Teams.
The autumn meeting will address the following issues:
1. Opening of the meeting
2. The chairman, secretary, two examiners of the minutes and, if necessary, two tellers shall be elected
3. The legality and quorum of the meeting shall be established
4. The rules of procedure of the meeting were adopted
5. The action plan, the estimate of revenue and expenditure and the membership fees shall be established
6. The Chairman and other members of the Board shall be elected
7. Election of one or two auditors and deputy auditors
8. Other issues mentioned in the invitation to the meeting
9. Discussion of any other issues that may arise
FDCA Board
Register for the Autumn meeting