Spring Seminar and Associations statutory Spring Meeting

On April 18th, 2023

Extremely topic theme

Energy Efficiency Directive revisited, what’s going on?

Spring Seminar only LIVE in Musiikkitalo Glazed foyer.

14.15 Coffee and networking
15.00 Opening words, Veijo Terho, Chairman of the Board, FDCA
15.10 Energy Efficiency Directive revisited, what’s going on?, Eero Lindqvist, Member of the Board, FDCA
15.45 Overview of the situation of the renewed Energy Efficiency Directive (EED), Johanna Kirkinen, Senior Engineer, Energy Efficiency and Ecodesign, Energy Authority

Short break

17.00 Associations statutory Spring Meeting. Participating remotely with teams is possible.On the agenda e.g. financial statements, annual report and statement of operations inspectors.

Language of the Seminar and meeting is Finnish.

FDCA Board

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